Well today I was going to stop reminissing for a bit and chat about what I am doing right now - for the BAD EXPOSED Exhibition etc, but last night I got so very little sleep that I can hardly string a sentence together let alone take some photos of my work.
Went to bed last night and was woken at about 1am by a possum that had got itself lost in my verandah room. Well, this young fella was very cute, for about 10mins until he started destroying the room. Knocking down curtain rods, tossing stuff around. He just couldn't find his way out of the open window so I decided to go in and open a few more. I didn't realize that Ash (very small grey cat) had followed me in to see what I was doing. He spotted young Mr Possum and immediately blew up like a puffer fish and tore agross the room like a wild bear. I went after him to save said possum, who proptly ran between my legs into my bedroom. I was left holding Ash who was going crazy so I put him in the wardrobe and set about looking for my visitor. After much searching I located him downstairs clinging to the panes in my big front window. I opened all the doors and it was cold last night! With all the doors open Myz (dog) decided that she needed to help me with this problem. Of course she was no help at all and added to the drama. No matter what I did possum wouldn't budge. He finally (no, not really finally) moved and attached himself to Ewan's surfboard which was in the corner and I clumsily manouvered it to the open door. He kind of fell onto the floor in front of the door but instead of going out there he ran past it and behind my lounge. A very big UGH from me.
Much more time passed (where I considered the notion that I really do live in a circus) but I could not get him to leave so I gave up and left the door open and went to bed (sometime after 3am). The possum won this round for sure and I am cactus for the today.

what a night Deb, love these possum drawings!