Ok needed to review my artist statement for the BAD Exhibition comming up. Oh the pain of reviewing and thinking! I think it is because I normally just do what I do, and "thinking" about the
how and
why don"t much play into it. Sure, I think, and sometimes
way too much but its usually about the individual work, not the whole. So, here is what I have come up with :
SPACES crevices
These are paintings of what can't necessarily be seen - the spaces inbetween. Those slippery, etheral crevices that could best be described as "Gaps in the known".
That "just out of sight, just around the corner, just behind, on the tip of your tongue" feeling.
The subject matter is simply the vehicle, the tool or the door.
Veiling repeatedly with thin layers of colour, covering up to allow one to see. Building up the surface slowiy and gradually. I paint what is, to evoke what isn't, teethering on the precipice of the sublime.
It's about those things that are hard to catch...
and even harder to hold onto.